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- Atari classic tape generator program. Version March 1999.
- Preface.
- This program is intended to be used with the wav2cas program that I
- wrote in may of 1997. A lot of the technical hoopla involved in
- storing information on cassettes is explained in the documentation
- that came with that program. If you are not familiar with it, I
- suggest you first read that stuff. If you do not have it, download it
- from the Umich archives, or send me an E-mail.
- Purpose of this project.
- The design goal of this project is to convert the digital tape format,
- introduced with the wav2cas project, back to a format that will enable
- us to re-create a cassette that can then be loaded on a regular
- Classic Atari equipped with any of the supported cassette units. The
- data is thus re-saved onto cassette tape. This can be used to clean
- up faulty tapes that contain dropouts, spikes, noise, or other
- problems. Data that is damaged can be restored, or repaired. The
- data on the new tape could be saved at a higher baud rate, thus
- slightly reducing the time required to load the tape. The quality of
- the cassette tape can be greatly improved in this way. The cassette
- data is encoded into a .wav file, which should then be played back
- through a .wav player program. The audio can then be recorded onto an
- audio cassette using a standard audio cassette recorder. Since the
- cassette data is recorded using only a sound card and some software,
- there is no need for an Atari cassette unit. Data can be retrieved
- from, and saved to cassette tapes even if your cassette unit is
- broken, unreliable, or otherwise not available. You will need a
- regular audio cassette recorder of course. If you want to load the
- cassette again, you will need an Atari and an Atari cassette unit, but
- these do not have to be connected to the PC. You could go to a friend
- with your tapes and process them on her/his PC if you do not have such
- a device yourself.
- Theory of operation.
- Data must be saved onto cassette tape. To do this, the data must be
- converted to some audio format. Converting the data to an audio
- format is accomplished by converting the digital data into a .wav
- file, which holds the audio information that results from encoding the
- data. Data is encoded on the cassette tape as a frequency shift
- keying audio signal, usually referred to as FSK. For the
- non-technical persons, this means that an audio tone is recorded on
- the tape that has either one frequency, referred to as the mark tone,
- or another frequency, called the space tone. Normally, the POKEY chip
- within the Classic Atari generates these tones, based on the bits of
- the data to be encoded, but this time we do it all in software. We
- add the start bit and the stop bit for each byte. All the bytes to be
- encoded are stored in the cassette records, including the marker bytes
- and the checksum. Data is normally encoded at 600 baud. The mark
- tone is usually 5327 Hertz. The space tone is usually 3995 Hertz.
- This, along with the information stored in the .cas file, enables us
- to create a .wav file that contains all the bits encoded in the FSK
- audio format. The bytes to be encoded are stored in the cassette
- records within the .cas file. These records also tell us the length
- of the IRG and the PRWT, and the length of the leader. For
- experimental purposes, we can attempt to increase reliability by
- tweaking these values, especially if we want to attempt to create a
- cassette that is encoded at a non-standard baud rate.
- Writing data to a cassette tape.
- Once a .wav file is created by the program, we simply play it back
- with a .wav player program, and record it onto the cassette tape.
- Never ever input this audio signal into the Atari computer DATA IN
- line directly, since this might damage your system. The audio signal
- from the cassette tape must be converted to digital data by the Atari
- cassette unit, thus we must first record it to a tape with our audio
- cassette recorder. Adjust the recording level as you would with any
- other sound. The data should be recorded on the right channel. If
- you want, you can record some music on the left channel, or whatever
- else you would like to hear while loading the tape. If you like to
- hear the FSK tones, you can record the data on both channels. The
- Classic Atari likes this 'music', but you might not particularly like
- it, or even call it noise, like your parents did with your music, so
- switch off your speakers, or turn the volume down. If you do not
- record anything on the left channel, set the recording level to zero
- for the left channel. You should take care that the length of the
- leader does not become excessive. Some leader is already included in
- the .wav file. If you do not start playing back the .wav file in
- time, the leader might become too long. Do not make it too short
- either though. If you start the player and the cassette deck
- simultaneously, you will be able to control the length of the leader
- by entering the proper value in the program.
- Just a few words about playing back a wave file are in place. I have
- tried a couple of programs to playback a .wav file. One of the things
- to watch is the fact that you will be processing a lot of data. If
- your hard drive is fragmented, the system will need more time to read
- the data. Since the sampling rate is high, this could cause your
- player program to skip a few samples while it is busy reading data
- from disk. I did not program that stuff, I would assume the program
- continues to play samples from memory, but somehow it looks like the
- O.S. disables the interrupts while doing I/O, so it will simply miss a
- few samples sometimes. This might also be caused by the fact that
- there are other tasks in the system that are allowed to use the system
- resources for a while. I have seen this happen with an Operating
- System that was released in 1998. You can check this by recording the
- audio file to a .wav file again, and then looking at the wave file
- with a wave editor. You should then be able to find the spot where
- the system could not keep up, especially if we are generating a very
- clean FSK signal. Since this problem occurs randomly, it is hard to
- do anything about it. You could simply create a 32 meg ram disk and
- run DOS, but not everybody is so fortunate to have memory in
- abundance. A fast hard drive is nice too, and it will do most of the
- time. If you cannot avoid this problem, simply record the file again,
- until you have a clean copy. It would be nice to have a utility that
- adds music to the left channel, so that we could listen and hear the
- bad spot on the tape. All we would need is a program that takes two
- mono .wav files and merge them into one stereo .wav file. Anyone
- interested in writing such a utility? Maybe such a utility already
- exists?
- Generating a .wav file.
- We want to generate a .wav file. A wave file starts with a header
- that specifies the sampling rate and other technical stuff. A wave
- file is a file in the standard RIFF file format, and documentation on
- this subject is available, so I will not go into detail here. The
- RIFF file header is written, then the wave chunk header is written to
- the file, and we write the sampling rate and all the other information
- about the format of the wave file to the header. Then we write the
- data header. The headers contain the length of the file, and the
- length of the chunk, so we have to memorize the file position where
- these numbers are supposed to be. When we are done writing the file,
- we must come back and update these values. After the headers, we can
- start the sample data for the audio level of the wave. According to
- the specifications, if the number of bytes in the chunk is odd, we
- will have to add a slack byte to the end. When we are done writing
- the sample data, we add this slack byte if it is required, and then we
- update the length of the file and the length of the chunk.
- The sample data is a very huge list of PCM values ranging from 0 to
- 255. We generate these samples based on the tone we want to
- represent, which is dictated by the values of the bits we want to
- encode. We know that we want to write either mark or space tones.
- Based on the frequency of these two tones, we generate a table for
- each tone. The table holds the PCM sample data for one second of that
- tone. The mark tone is usually 5327 Hertz. This means there are 5327
- periods in one second. We want to make a sine wave, because we like
- pure tones, so we need to compute the amplitude of the signal as a
- function of the time since the start of the tone. We do this by
- computing the sine value of the time since zero. Now you cannot input
- time into a sine function, only degrees or radians, thus we have to
- convert the time. So let us choose radians, for no obvious reason.
- One period equals 2 PI radians. If we had chosen degrees, it would
- have been 360 degrees of course. Now we are generating one second of
- sine wave stuff, and over that second, we will generate the sample
- value for 44,100 samples. The frequency tells us how many periods
- there are within that second, so this means we have 5327 times 2 PI
- radians within one second. Our sample rate is the time value. When
- we have generated 44,100 samples, one second has passed. The sample
- number is our index into the table we wish to generate. Now we can
- compute the amplitude by multiplying our time value by the number of
- radians that one time element represents, and inputting that into the
- sine function. Thus we multiply the index into our table by the
- number of radians within one second, divided by the sampling rate.
- The output of the sine function is a value from -1 to 1, so we have to
- multiply this result by some value to increase the value to a level
- which we can use for the PCM sample values. Also, we have to add 128
- in order to make it a positive number. If we multiply it by too much,
- the sound might become distorted a bit, so I choose a value of 64 for
- this. Since we have one second of samples in our table, we know that
- for any integer frequency value the end of our table will wrap nicely
- around to the start of the table again for a clean sine wave. The
- tables can be used to quickly write a large number of samples to the
- .wav file.
- We wanted the output to be a clean sine wave form. This can be
- accomplished with the following procedure. While writing data to the
- .wav file, the program keeps track of the value of the tone we were
- writing to the .wav file, either mark or space. If we need to write a
- mark tone, and the previous tone we wrote also happened to be a mark
- tone, the program continues to write the wave form from where it left
- off in the table the last time. The same is true for the space tone.
- Thus, if two consecutive bits have the same value, the wave continues
- smoothly on, as if nothing happened. If the tone is different, the
- last sample value we wrote to the file is noted. Then we determine
- whether the wave form was going up or down in amplitude. Then this
- last value is searched for in the table of the other tone. Of course
- the level must also match the fact whether it is rising or falling.
- When the match is found, we continue on with the other table from that
- point. This makes a smooth transition from one tone to another. At
- first I had it wait for the level to pass zero before changing over
- the tone, but this also works nice, and it results in a more exact bit
- length. Now why did we want a clean wave? Because it looks nice, or
- maybe because it sounds nice. But our only and most important goal
- should be, can we load the tape every time without a load error? Do
- not worry about what it sounds like, check the track record, does it
- load okay? This made me experiment more, and the result is another
- way of encoding data in waves. The key point seems to be to have the
- FSK decoder detect when the change in the tone occurs. We should
- therefore make sure that the wave starts and stops exactly where the
- bits start and stop, to make it easier for the FSK decoder.
- Unfortunately you cannot have it both ways, since if you make the wave
- start at a certain point, chances that the period ends when the bit is
- supposed to end are close to zero, unless you tamper with the
- frequency. The end of the space tone seemed to cause the most
- problems, so I choose to make the waves end when the space tone is
- supposed to end, and start when the mark bit is supposed to start.
- This makes a clean change from space to mark. The not so smooth
- change over at the change from mark to space seems to have little
- effect on the decoded bits, so this looks like it is the best encoding
- format. The way to accomplish this encoding scheme is to write the
- requested number of samples from the end of the table for the space
- tone, and the beginning of the table for the mark tone. These tables
- are sure to start and end in a way that makes a smooth change. The
- program calls this a transition at the zero level, even though only
- one of the two transitions actually occurs at the zero level.
- The baud rate can be selected. If the default baud rate is used, we
- find 600 bits per second on a tape. Since we need 44,100 samples for
- each second, a bit will last about 44,100 samples divided by 600 bits,
- which is 73.5 samples. Half a sample does not exist, so we would have
- to write 73 samples per bit. For each bit that we encode, we would
- write 73 samples in this case. This means that in effect, our bit rate
- would be slightly off from the selected value. This is not a problem
- for loading the tape, but we can do better. If we would process the
- bits in groups of a byte, we would have to compute how many samples
- are required for one byte, and then evenly distribute that over the 10
- bits that make up a byte. This is only important if we want to
- generate a tape that exactly matches the baud rate entered. If we do
- not mind that the baud rate is slightly off, this is just extra
- complexity that is not needed.
- There is another reason why we would create the bits in groups of a
- byte though. I have noticed that if you have a test tape that
- alternates between mark and space tones, with bits of equal number of
- samples, that the space bits appear to be slightly shorter. It looks
- like the space tone detection takes a little while to kick in. For
- the mark tone, this is really not important, since in the absence of a
- space tone, a mark bit value is output by the cassette unit, even if
- there is no mark tone present, so the detection of the space tone
- appears to be the most crucial. The mark tone does prevent erroneous
- detection of the space tone, but the space tone is just more
- important. If we wanted to compensate for this, we could actually
- make the space tone bits on the tape start a little early. We cannot
- simply change the length of the space bit though, since the total
- length of the byte should remain the same. This means we have to
- steal a couple of samples from the mark tone following it. Of course
- it takes some time before the decoding circuit detects that the space
- tone is gone again. Again, we can compensate for this, by having the
- space tone stop a little early, and give these samples to the mark
- tone following it. However, stopping seems to be very simple. In
- fact it is so simple, that sometimes the last portion of the bit is
- not detected as a space tone, and the last few samples are treated as
- part of the mark tone following it. This makes the bit shorter so we
- would have to make it longer again. Confused? So was I! I have
- played around with this a great deal, and it all seems to be related
- to the way the two tones change over. Compensating for this does seem
- to improve reliability at the higher baud rates. The only problem is
- that I suspect that the compensation requirements of various cassette
- units might differ. If so, a tape that would load on one unit, might
- fail to load on another. Don't worry too much though, since these
- problems with loading should only occur when the baud rate is around
- 820 baud.
- The maximum baud rate that the standard O.S. will program the POKEY
- chip for when doing cassette reads is 820 baud. If we go beyond that,
- we are depending on the POKEY chip to cope with the deviation. It
- does seem to cope with some deviation. I tried to improve the signal
- such that we could even load a tape at 875 baud, a value that seems to
- be the limit if you use the CAS2SIO program. I have experimented a
- bit with adjusting the bit sizes and such, but in the end, what you
- really end up doing is simply reducing the size of the stop bit. The
- higher baud rate results in a smaller bit size. As long as the last
- data bit is presented at the time that it would be expected at 820
- baud, POKEY seems to be able to decode the bit, and then the stop bit
- is just a lot shorter. The Atari has plenty of time to grab the byte
- from POKEY and store it somewhere, and then it can even compute the
- checksum. It does not need the time that the stop bit represents.
- POKEY also seems to not mind. So if this is all we wanted, it would
- be better to reduce the length of the stop bit, and encode the tape at
- 820 baud. I don't think this little extra speed is worth the loss of
- reliability.
- If we know how many samples to generate per bit, we can now write the
- record to the tape. We begin with the IRG/PRWT, which is specified as
- a number of milliseconds. We have to divide this by 1000 and multiply
- it by the sample rate to get the sample count. This number of samples
- is then written to the file, by writing the corresponding piece of
- tone data from the mark table. Then we start encoding the bytes of
- the record one by one. We write the data for the bits from the mark
- or space table based on the value of the bits. We start with the
- start bit, then the least significant bit of the data byte, followed by
- the other bits one by one, and finally the stop bit. Since we are
- processing bits by the byte, as discussed just now, we sum the length
- of the bits if they are alike, adjusting the bit length sometimes to
- evenly distribute the samples over the byte, and then compensate for
- the space tone delays.
- Tapes differ is length, depending on how much data is stored on them.
- Some tapes are 16K or less, other tapes are 48K or more. Most tapes
- require roughly 2.5 seconds per block of 128 bytes, which is 20
- seconds per kilobyte. A 16K tape will take about 5 minutes, a 48K
- tape could easily take 15 minutes or more. At a sampling rate of
- 44,100 samples per second, we will have to write 44,100 bytes of data
- for each second of audio, or about 2.5 Megabytes per minute. A
- fifteen minute tape will easily consume over 30 Megabytes of disk
- space. If you do not have that much hard disk space available, you
- should backup some data and make space available, or simply buy a
- bigger hard disk, since hard disks are very cheap nowadays. If the
- program runs out of disk space, it reports a write error.
- Command line options.
- Running the CAS2WAV program is easy. You have two options. You can
- run it interactively, by simply starting it. It will ask for the
- filename. Once that is entered, it will ask you to enter whether or
- not you want the diagnostics to be printed. This program does not
- provide a lot of diagnostics, it will tell you at what offset in the
- .wav file a data record starts. The only time this appears to be
- useful is when you sample the created tape again, to see if the .wav
- file has been properly transferred to an audio tape. If you have a
- slow computer, this option also shows you that the system is still
- busy working, otherwise, you might think that the system crashed. It
- does take a little while sometimes, depending on the size of the file,
- and also on the option selected for the way the tone changes over.
- If you wish this diagnostic data to be printed, it will be printed to
- the screen. The output can be redirected to a file using the standard
- DOS redirection, but that would redirect the prompts to the redirected
- output too, so this is only recommended if you use the command line
- arguments. You are then asked to enter various information that is
- used for encoding the data on the tape. If you enter nothing, the
- default values for these settings are used. You only have to enter
- something if you want something non-standard. The wave format of the
- tones can be selected, either sine waves or block waves. There are
- two flavors of sine waves, one with an immediate change over, and
- one which only changes at the next zero crossing, which is a pure
- sine wave so to speak. If you want the zero crossing to occur at the
- time the bit is supposed to end, select the zero crossing option.
- This zero crossing works as described earlier. The baud rate should
- be something around 600. If you want to experiment with higher
- speeds, you can enter a higher value. Values up to 850 baud seem to
- work. Above that, load errors start to occur. If you enter a fixed
- value, the baud rate values stored in the cassette file will be
- ignored. The frequencies used for the mark and space tones can be
- altered too. If you think your cassette unit prefers some other
- frequency, you can try adjusting the frequencies a bit. The standard
- frequencies seem to work fine on my cassette units though. Finally,
- the length of the leader tone and the length of the Inter Record Gap
- can be set to a fixed value. If you enter a fixed value, the values
- from the cassette file will be ignored and overridden by the values
- entered. The leader value is used for the length of the beginning of
- the tape. The IRG value is used for any IRG on the tape that lasts
- less than 3 seconds. You can enter all this on the command line if
- you prefer. The file to process is the first argument on the command
- line. The printing of diagnostic data is an option switch, which can
- be selected by adding /d to the command. The wave form can be
- selected by using the /w switch, specifying sine waves, block waves,
- or pure waves. Add the letter s, b or p after the w. If you want to
- try the zero transition, add the /z switch to the command. The value
- of the baud rate can be selected by using the /b switch, specifying the
- desired baud rate. The frequency for the mark tone can be selected with
- the /m switch, for the space tone it is the /s switch. The length of
- the leader can be specified with the /l switch, and the IRG length can
- be set using the /i switch. These last five switches take a decimal
- number for setting the value, so setting the baud rate to 820 would
- require you to enter /b=820 on the command line. The equals sign is
- optional, but do not insert any spaces between the switch and the value.
- There is no check for weird values, so what you enter is what you get.
- If you enter very strange values, you might even be able to make the
- program crash, or hang, so if you do enter a value like that, don't do
- it again. I am not going to add checks for these values, in order for
- people to be able to experiment.
- If no command line arguments are given, the program will prompt for
- the file. The program allows the user to exit the interactive request
- for data by entering control Z. On most PC's, pressing control-BREAK
- will also terminate the program. I used the Symantec C++ compiler on
- the PC. If you press control-BREAK, it will terminate the program as
- soon as it tries to write to the screen. If the CAS2WAV program
- happens to be in the middle of writing some data, this may take a few
- moments though.
- There is one special command line option that cannot be selected in
- the interactive mode. The /t option generates a test tape for
- examining the quality of the FSK decoder inside the cassette unit.
- Any filename that is entered is ignored, since the filename for a test
- tape will always be "testtape.wav". The number after the /t specifies
- the length of the tape in milliseconds. The other options are all
- still valid, so you can experiment with various frequencies and
- baud rates. The test tape wave file will contain some form of
- alternating mark and space tones, each one bit long. This is intended
- for viewing the output of the FSK decoder on an oscilloscope. The
- signal should be a block form with all bits equal in length. In order
- to make the cassette unit play the tape, you will have to connect it
- to an Atari. You can either try to boot the tape, using the normal
- procedure, or you can enter the command from BASIC to start the
- cassette motor. If you enter POKE 54018,52 the motor will be turned
- on. Note that some cassette units draw their power from the computer
- via the SIO bus, so another reason to connect it to the computer. The
- cassette output on the DATA IN line is also designed such that you
- need to connect it to the computer if you want to measure the result
- with an oscilloscope. The oscilloscope should be connected to the
- DATA IN line to view the signal. If you recorded the audio to both
- channels, you can connect the AUDIO IN line to the second input if you
- have a dual beam oscilloscope. By experimenting with this, you can
- try to determine what frequency works best. Of course, it is advised
- to use the standard frequencies, but it is fun to experiment with this.
- Note that a test tape cannot actually be loaded, since it is not in the
- proper format. It can only be used to test the FSK decoder. You can
- modify the program to generate different test patterns.
- I have used this test tape feature a lot to investigate how the FSK
- decoder reacts to different ways of changing the tones from mark to
- space and back. At one point I even created a bi-tone signal, where
- the mark and the space tone were both present at the same time. I
- only made one of them louder than the other, depending on the bit to
- be encoded. Even then did the FSK decoder generate the correct bits.
- I thought that if the space tone is present all the time, the decoder
- might not have as much trouble to see the start of the space bit, but
- it looks like this does not make a difference, since the space bits
- were still shorter sometimes. Eventually I tried using a block wave,
- since at some point I doubted that the FSK decoder really likes sine
- waves. To my amazement, this resulted in a rock solid output. Using
- the diagnostic tape, the edges of the bits were stable, which
- indicates that the FSK decoder reacted in a stable way to changing
- over from mark to space and back. So I even wanted to make this the
- default wave form, but now it is up to you. Even though I have spent
- a considerable amount of time on research, this area could probably be
- explored more. After all, the tests I did were only with a few
- cassette units. If you feel like playing around with it yourself, let
- me know your results. Incidentally, when connecting the audio to the
- second channel of my oscilloscope, I could see that the signal that is
- output by the cassette unit is about three periods delayed from the
- actual change over in the audio signal. This might account for the
- rather unpredictable behavior that confused us. Fun stuff to
- research.
- All this weird behavior is probably caused by the fact that there is
- a slight difference in the output circuit of the filters for the mark
- and space tones, which is input into the comparator. There is a small
- capacitor, which is charged by the output of the filter. This charging
- takes some time, based on the value of the resistors in the circuit.
- Both filters have these resistors in their circuit, however one of these
- resistors differs slightly in value. This is probably because in the
- absence of an audio signal, the recorder should output a mark value.
- If there is no signal, both filters output the same value, but due to
- this difference in the resistor value, the mark tone voltage on the input
- of the comparator will be the highest. This design has one drawback.
- The charging time and discharging time of the capacitor is also influenced
- by this difference in resistor value. This causes the space bits to be
- shorter. I wonder if this problem could be solved by replacing the
- capacitor in the mark circuit by one of a lesser value. For now, we will
- fix this problem in software. I do not know whether all this is true for
- all the various types that Atari produced.
- Troubleshooting.
- If, after recording the .wav file to a cassette tape, the tape
- produces load errors or boot errors, obviously there must be something
- wrong. Check to see that the audio has been properly recorded. If
- you know where the boot error occurs, check that piece of the
- recording. You might want to turn off any special noise suppressors
- that might be on your cassette deck. For recording Atari stuff, I use
- regular tapes, because they are cheap, and because that is what these
- machines were designed for. You should also try some of the other wave
- formats to see if that helps. I had the best results with the zero
- transition option.
- Sometimes, the playback of .wav data can be suspended due to various
- O.S. related issues. If you feel that a data block has been hit by
- this, try recording the tape again. Most commercial tapes are
- recorded on both sides, so we might apply the same tactics here. If
- we record the .wav to both sides, we can try the other side, to see if
- the playback of the .wav file was affected by this. If it is the
- case, the bad side of the tape could simply be recorded over again.
- If a certain portion of a tape is damaged, or suffers from a dropout,
- then the tape is unreliable, and I suggest you do not use it for
- recording data.
- If you keep having trouble booting the cassette tape, first try
- booting the digital image with the CAS2SIO program and a SIO2PC cable.
- Like I stated in the WAV2CAS documentation, I have found that some of
- the load errors are not caused by the cassette unit at all. Boot
- errors that are caused by timing problems can sometimes be corrected
- by specifying a fixed IRG value. It is helpful to know whether the
- .cas file is okay to begin with.
- If you are still having troubles with loading a specific tape, make
- sure you know what procedure to follow in order to boot these tapes.
- The tape might not be compatible with the XL/XE O.S., or you might
- need a certain amount of memory. If you have a program that was
- written in BASIC, it will have been saved with the CSAVE command in
- BASIC, so use CLOAD instead on these tapes. Anyway, make sure you
- know the proper procedure for the tape.
- Another possibility is that there is simply a bug in my program. If a
- load error occurs consistently at the same spot on the tape, even if
- you record it again, this might be a problem inside the program. If
- this occurs, send me an E-mail.
- Epilog.
- Well, we have come to the end of this document, another project done.
- I hope this stuff helps some folks to learn to appreciate the cassette
- stuff a little more. After all, if it is more reliable, it is not
- half as bad. Booting a PC nowadays takes several minutes, so booting
- an Atari from tape might actually be faster, and lots more fun. The
- source for this program is included, so if you feel you want to
- experiment some more, you are welcome to try it out. Note that I did
- not put any of the PC's supposed to be 'C' crap in my source. I still
- cannot find the words FAR and NEAR and such in Kernighan and Ritchie,
- so I compile all my sources with some switch that makes the PC choose
- the correct pointer stuff. Select a proper memory model, whatever
- that may be, if you want to compile the stuff yourself. Allocating
- two times 44,100 bytes does not make default PC pointer stuff happy so
- it seems. Comments are welcome. I might ignore them, since I will
- spend my time on other things now, but it is always nice to hear
- somebody tried to use the stuff. The terms and conditions are the same
- as with the wav2cas stuff. So, use this stuff at your own risk. I am
- not responsible for any damage that might occur whatsoever. If you want
- to take portions of my program and improve on it, go ahead, provided
- that you comply with a few rules. You have to include in your
- documentation that your program was based on this work. On top of that,
- if you charge money for your product, you will have to inform people
- that my stuff is available free of charge. This includes shareware fees
- and stuff like that. I just want people to know that this thing is
- available for free. This means that I myself do not expect people to
- send me any money. So, you get what you pay for with my stuff. If you
- want to drop me a note, there are various options. For one thing, you can
- send me E-mail over the Internet. You can also send me a regular letter.
- Anyway, if you have questions, send them to me. Please do not send me
- .wav files to look at. It would be crazy to E-mail a file of several
- megabytes. You are welcome to send any comments. If you think some of
- my data or research is in error, let me know. The address is below.
- Ernest R. Schreurs.
- Kempenlandstraat 8
- 5211 VN Den Bosch
- The Netherlands
- E-mail: ernest@wxs.nl
- Keep those XL's/XE's humming.
- Or, I suppose we are talking to the real pioneers here:
- Keep those 400's/800's humming.